Thursday, March 20, 2008
Culture vs. Truth
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The Priesthood Question
As is always the case my comments are my own, my personal reflections on topics of importance to me. I welcome your thoughts and challenges to my way of thinking.
God has given the priesthood to man so that His power can be manifested among the children of men in an orderly way—so that His purposes may be fulfilled. God never intended to give the authority to act and administer in his name to all people, but rather a reserved portion that made valiant decisions in this life and perhaps in their previous experience. Evidence for this can easily be found in every book of scripture in every age where the priesthood has been given by God to man. Even still, the priesthood is not solely a mark of personal valiance or honor. It is given to man for God’s purposes to be fulfilled, not man’s. Otherwise we speak of priestcraft, not priesthood. I have come to see great wisdom in God’s giving this priesthood to some and not all, for example His giving it to men and not women. By doing so we must rely upon one another to make it active in family units—the basic unit of the gospel. When the intact family unit is discarded by society the blessings of the priesthood go with it, as it is no longer readily accessible in the home. When families remain worthy and intact, however, the authority to preside and bless are efficacious and contribute to the strength and vitality of that family.
The gift of Christ’s gospel is not the priesthood, which some may have mistaken it to be. The gifts of His gospel include all of the gifts of the Spirit, which are made available to all of His children but are reserved for His faithful, seeking ones.
Unlike the priesthood, which has been reserved for a few, to suit God’s needs, the blessings of the gospel and the gift of the Holy Ghost are made available to all of God’s children, EVERY LAST ONE. We are only made partakers of these great gifts, however, as we humble ourselves before God and are baptized into His church and kingdom. All of those who humble themselves before God and are baptized and receive His word will be blessed by having continual access to the Holy Spirit of Truth. This is the greatest blessing that can come to mankind while in this earthly probation. Far greater blessings lay in the next estate, of course.
Giving the priesthood unto the children of men is God’s way of keeping order and bringing to pass His work in His vast kingdom and is an oath and covenant made to and with the human race. It is not expedient that every person hold the priesthood for it is not the holding of the priesthood that causes conversion in one’s breast. Rather it is an order of service through which God can bless His children, while maximizing the utility of the agency that has been given to mankind. Some must choose to serve, while others must choose to be served, regardless of who holds the priesthood.
Thoughts came to mind of certain metaphors such as the body of Christ where all members are needed, but do not perform the same function or have the same level of utility. I also have considered that while many hold the priesthood some hold the greater (Melchizedek) and some hold the lesser (Aaronic). Furthermore, there are many levels of duty and responsibility within the priesthood organization. There is obviously a need for great variety in this regard. The authority to act in God’s name never has been distributed evenly. It is given according to His wisdom, and His timing.
Any thoughts?